There are thousands of joint rolling accessories out there, many different rolling trays, grinders, joint filter tips, etc.

In this article, you will find out what we at HotBox Magazine consider to be the best joint rolling accessories.

Myster Stashtray

myster joint rolling station best joint rolling accessories

The Myster Stashtray is a magnetic rolling tray and can fit any smoking needs.

You can check out our product review on the Myster Stashtray here.

The Myster Stashtray comes with:

      • Storage container
      • 4-piece Myster grinder
      • Astray with bowl poker
      • bowl stand (fitting 14 and 18mm bong bowls)
      • Magnetic mini BIC lighter case
      • Sheet of magnetic stickers
      • Microfiber Stashtray cleaning cloth

The storage container, grinder, and ashtray/bowl stand have their own specific spots, so you won’t lose anything.

You can use your extra magnetic strips to attach anything from rolling papers to doob tubes.

Phunky Feel Tips

Phunky Feel Tips are glass tips created by Roor and  B-Real of Cypress Hill.

Phunky Feel Tips are available as;

  • Cassic Clear Tips
  • Heady Collection
  • Cypress Hill Collection

clear classic phunky feel tips best joint rolling accessories
The Classic Clear Tips can be purchased here.

$8 for the 12mm and $10.99 for the 16mm.

phunkyheady joint rolling tips
The Heady Collection can be purchased here for$24.99.

There are 11 different designs.

The Cypress Hill tin collection can be purchased here for $27.99.

RAW Double Barrel Joint Holder

The RAW Double Barrel is one of the best joint rolling accessories out there because it allows you to smoke two at once.
raw double barrel joint rolling
The RAW Double Barrel can be purchased at

Available in King Size and 1 1/4.

Doob Tubes

Doob Tubes are airtight, water-resistant, and odor-free tubes to carry around your joints in.